About broadthink

How does this work?

You sign up for a course, you're added to Google Classroom, and you can start taking the lessons the next time the course is offered; typically every 5 weeks.

Is there homework?

In all of these courses, there are assignments for you to complete.

How much time does this take?

Courses are offered over 4 weeks. They're designed to be approximately equivalent to a 1 credit college course. Most students who complete the course successfully say they spend between 1-4 hours per week.

Is there a real person behind all of this?

Yes - a real human being creates the courses, updates the materials, and reviews the assignments.

Why are you doing this?

Everyone should have a chance to learn new things, but opportunity is not well distributed. These courses are created so that people at all levels, all over the world, can easily learn new skills and expand their thinking.

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